Re: News


Pentecost Prayer

Lord God on the great day of Pentecost you sent your Holy spirit.

Today may the gift of your Spirit fill our hearts, homes and our family. May we be showered with the blessings of Jesus and surrounded by people of faith.

We pray, Come Holy Spirit.  May we say “yes” to you so that the Spirit in our hearts will once again be set ablaze.

Come Spirit of Wisdom, like rain, refresh, renew, revitalise.  Guide our actions so they tell of God’s love.

Come Spirit of Truth, like fire, embolden, enlighten, enable. Open our eyes to see the world as it really is.

Come Spirit of Power like a mighty wind, move, challenge, enkindle.  Enthuse us to work for justice throughout the world.

Come Spirit  of love like wave, move, tear down, lift up. Inspire us to respect the dignity of each person.

Come Spirit, come Breath, draw us close, make one, make justice, make peace.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

Come, Holy Spirit.

Come. Amen

A week ago on Sunday the 19th May the church celebrated the Great Feast of Pentecost. This Day marked fifty days since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Day and brings the Easter season to an end. It is a major feast of the Church’s year when Christians recall how God’s Holy Spirit was given to the disciples after Jesus’ ascension, empowering them to begin the work of making disciples of all nations. Christians regard the day of Pentecost to be the beginning and birthday of the church. We celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit, which was promised by Jesus and reminded us that the Holy Spirit is with us and available to us in our daily life. Pentecost provides an opportunity for Christians to reflect upon the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is through these gifts, that we are enabled to be true Christian disciples. We are reminded by Jesus that “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). May we pray for a new Pentecost in which we, like the disciples, are strengthened so as to be true witnesses of the Risen Lord.

In the evening of the first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace be with you,’ and showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy when they saw the Lord, and he said to them again, “Peace be with you.‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ After saying this he breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.” Jn 20:19-22



Congratulations to the following students who celebrated their First Eucharist last  Sunday the 19th of May.  God bless you.

Tully,  Buddy,  Ollie,  Leo,  Zalia,  Ella,  Daniel, Alyssa


Praying with your Child

Earlier this week we held a session for our Prep parents on how to pray with your child. Thankyou to the parents who attended. We were reminded that for children prayer is a vital part of introducing them to God and reinforcing their relationship and communication with God and his love for them. Prayer is a part of our faith.  Prayer is caught more than it’s taught. The basis of a child’s prayer life begins with the parent’s prayer life. It is one of the greatest and most fundamental thing you can do is to model a praying life before their beautiful little eyes and their perceptive little ears.

Mother’s Day Breakfast – Thankyou

Thank you to year 1/2 children and staff for the beautiful prayers, singing and prayer card at the Mother’s day Breakfast. You brought a smile to all present

St Vincent De Paul Together we make a Difference

As  we enter the winter season  the society of St Vincent De Paul has put a call out for donations to their Winter appeal. As a community as shown with previous appeals St Augustine’s is very generous. This is part of our social justice actions  and with the support of the school Children’s  Social Justice team each classroom will be asked for donations. The St Vincent de Paul Society assists people experiencing poverty and inequality and works to shape a more just and compassionate society. Your contributions are largely helpful in allowing Vinnies to fund the critical work we do.


  • During winter especially, material donations such as food, warm clothing and blankets are needed. Men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, blankets and accessories are most welcome. This clothing will be given new life when donated to those most in need. Please ensure blankets and warm clothes are in excellent and clean condition.
  • To uphold the dignity of those receiving goods, please ensure that all food items are not due to expire for at least the next 6 months. All items must be non-perishable and undamaged. Look out for packaged food with a Health Star Rating of 3.5 or above. The more stars, the better!



The St Vincent de Paul Society logo is used in many countries and is recognised everywhere as a symbol of hope and goodwill. The logo has three components: the hands symbol, the text and the slogan.

Mrs Barone








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