Parents Page

PA News

Hot Cross Bun Drive

Please note hot cross bun orders are due this Friday! Please ensure your orders are in and you include correct money.
Collection will be at end of day pick up (1pm) Thursday 6th April.

Easter Raffle

The PA are still accepting donations for the Easter Raffle. Items must be brand new. Please drop donations off to the office.
Raffle tickets have now gone home with the eldest children. If you would like more books please see the office.
Tickets are 50c each and due by 9am 6th April. The raffle will be drawn at final assembly on the last day of Term 1.


For their next event, the MOSA group have booked in a day at Gisborne Peak Winery on Saturday May 20th, for all dads and partners . We are encouraging all dads that aren’t yet part of the MOSA group to attend (with your partner) so that you can see how inclusive this group is. Please see the flyer attached for more information.


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