Notice Board

Photo/Video Permission Form

Recently a photo/video permission form was sent home with each child.  If you have not signed and returned your form, could you please attend to this by next Monday.

St Augustine’s App

 Flexibuzz will cease to be used by end of week 7 (Next week). So download the school app now. Tell your friends to do the same!

Privacy Policy and Standard Collection Notice

Please note amended Privacy Policy and Standard Collection Notice are available to read on our website under the Policy Tab.

Student Residential Address Data Collection

For parents/guardians of students: 2020 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection Notice.  This notice is from the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department), to advise you that the department has requested that your child’s school provide a ‘statement of addresses’ in accordance with the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth) (Regulation).  See here for the full notice: 2020-Student-Residential-Address-Parents-Notice

Student Absences

St Augustine’s Primary School Keilor, acknowledges that education is compulsory for children and young people between the ages of 6 – 17 years, in accordance with Part 2.1.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, unless an exemption has been granted.

Daily Student Absence Notification

All parents are required to ensure their child attends at St Augustine’s Primary School every day. Where your child is unable to attend school it is the parent’s responsibility to access the Flexibuzz app or the St Augustine’s School App and fill in the form providing all required details to inform the school of the child’s absence. The absence form needs to be submitted by 9.00 am if your child will not be attending school.

Prolonged Absences

Parents should inform the school in advance of any planned absence. Sufficient notification must be given where the absence is anticipated for greater than 2 weeks. Note: Long periods of absence are discouraged. Parents are expected to plan family holidays during school holiday periods where possible.

Late Arrival

Where a student is late for school it is the parent’s responsibility to direct their child to collect a late pass from the office. A child is determined to arrive late if their class has moved from the assembly area and has entered the classroom.

Unexplained Absences

In the event that contact is not made with the school on the morning of the absence the school will make contact with the parents, via SMS, to inform them of this occurrence.

Where a parent fails to respond to the initial contact by the school within 1 hour, a second attempt to contact them will be made. In the event that this communication remains unsuccessful, a subsequent attempt to contact individuals identified as the student’s emergency contact will be made. The school will make all reasonable attempts to determine the location and wellbeing of the student.

For any further information, click on the Student Absences tab on our website.

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