Term 1 Week 6
School fees
If paying in full:
This is a friendly reminder that they are due by this Friday the 7th of March.
If paying by Installments:
Installment 1 of 3 was due Friday the 21st of February. If you are yet to make a payment, please ensure you do so at your earliest convenience.
Installment 2 of 3 is due Friday the 2nd of May
Installment 3 of 3 is due Friday the 4th of July – All payments must be finalised by this date
Prep 2026 Enrolments now open
If you have a child due to start prep next year, please ensure you submit and enrolment form before the cut-off on Tuesday the 22nd of April (first day of Term 2). We have moved to an online system, so all enrolments should be completed using this platform. Please visit our website and click on the relevant tab on the photo banner or follow this link. All siblings of current students are guaranteed a place, and will not be required to attend an interview.
Parent Webinar
This Raising Kids in a Digital World seminar is presented by Marty, an expert educator, and Carley, an experienced psychologist.
Marty and Carley will share evidence-based strategies as well as practical tips and up-to-date insights. to help equipped parents with the skillset, toolset and mindset they need to be able to support their children as they navigate the online world.
Please log on and register for this Webinar using the details below.
School Photos
School photos will take place on Tuesday the 11th of March. If you would like to pre-order school photos please follow the instructions below.