Notice Board

Term 1 Week 4

School Fees

This is a reminder that the first installment for school fees was due yesterday Wednesday the 21st of February. Could all families that are yet to make a payment please do so at their earliest convenience. Thank you.

Prep 2025 enrolments – NOW OPEN

Prep 2025 enrolments are now officially open. Please let all your family and friends with 4 year old kindergarteners know that we are now accepting enrolment applications and that we have 2 parent information sessions coming up in the next 2 weeks. Please follow this link to register to attend one of the sessions.

For more information on the enrolment process, the timeline and to get copies of the forms required, please follow this link.

Current Families with a child due to start Prep in 2025

Current families that have informed the school (via the survey that went out in late 2023 about returning students) that they have a child due to start prep in 2025, will be contacted via email soon. This will include instructions on how to submit a complete enrolment application. Keep an eye out for it! If you have not informed the school or you do not receive an email within the next week, please contact Kelly from Wednesday to Friday via email: or call 9336 4294.

School Photos – Week 6

School photo day is on 05-03-2024 and  orders must be placed online.
It is important that the ordering instructions below are followed, and all students are photographed regardless of

Please follow this link and this link to read the flyers more clearly.

Whole School Assemblies

Award Assemblies are scheduled for Monday morning at 8.50pm in the yard. Award assemblies are conducted by Student Leaders who present the weekly student awards. A different year level is responsible for the Monday morning prayer each week. Our whole school assemblies commence with an acknowledgement of Country as a mark of respect and to acknowledge that we are on ‘Wurundjeri Land’.

Please come along and celebrate with us.

Child Safety Code of Conduct – Volunteers

The Child Safe Standards specify the actions schools are required to take to manage the risk of child abuse in schools. The St Augustine’s Code of Conduct has a specific focus on safeguarding our children and young people against sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse or neglect. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to establish clear expectations for appropriate behaviour by adults towards children and young people. It aims to protect children and reduce any opportunity of abuse or harm to children. The Code of Conduct also provides members of the broader school community with guidance on how best to support children or young people, and how to avoid or better manage difficult situations.

All volunteers must sign in on the Ipad (pass tab) at the front office and hold a current WWCC Card. It is expected that all volunteers working within the school read, agree to and sign the St Augustine’s Code of Conduct.

Parent Volunteer Induction

All new parents wanting to come in and volunteer at school must complete a Parent Volunteer Induction. This induction session will take place on Friday March the 1st from 9.15am-10.00am in the school library. Everyone is welcome.

Please note that to volunteer, you must also have a valid Working with Children Check which can be obtained by following this link.

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