Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report   

Hello parents and guardians,

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks at school. We started St Augustine’s Feast day with Mass talking about St Augustine and how he lived. Then the 5/6s hosted tabloid sports for our younger kids giving them great opportunities and awesome times to have some fun doing some sports. At the end of the day we had a St Augustines talent show and all of the younger and older kids got to show everyone their dances and acts. They were really brave and everyone enjoyed watching. We all  had lots of fun.

The Parent Auxiliary set up our Father’s Day stall  for the children to buy $5 gifts for their dads and grandfathers. They had lots of gifts to choose from. 

  • There were mugs,
  • photo frames ,
  • teddy bears,
  • beer jags,
  • books,
  •  So many jokes! 

Some of our wonderful parents helped set up a lovely Father’s Day breakfast for our wonderful fathers and grandfathers. We had an amazing coffee truck come to our school. All the fathers had a great morning with everyone.

The Art Show was on last night  and it was amazing! There was lots of amazing art work to look at and some of the students showcased their talent with the pop up performers.

Thankyou to everyone who contributed to making the night such a success.

Click on this link to see more amazing images from the Art Show.

By Zara,Parker,Millie,Logan and Paige  (Student Leaders)

Maths News

What an exciting term in Mathematics! This term our children have explored many concepts and have included some exciting Olympic action in their learning. The preps have been exploring measuring length and early computation skills. Our 1/2 classes have been linking location to their inquiry unit and have explored time and addition and subtraction. Our 3/4 team conducted an exciting mini olympics that encompassed length, perimeter some time and decimal numbers and explored multiplication and division through multiplicative thinking. The year 5/6s ran a potato olympics that involved potatoes participating in different olympic sports. Lots of measuring and calculating occurred. They have also explored fractions and decimals and statistics in an action packed term. Check out some of our photos of all the awesome Maths learning activities.

Art Competition

As part of the Seasons of Creation Caritas Australia is running an art competition with the theme “To Hope and Act with Creation”
Within my Sustainability role I submitted a number of students’ art works for this competition last week that fitted with the theme. The following students’ art work has been selected to be part of the competition.
Surnames have been removed for privacy reasons

Please click on the below link and vote for our students’ work as part of the “People’s Choice Awards”.

To help you get to our students work I have recorded their entry numbers
90 Alexia
97 Kobe
98 Lara
99 Summer
100 Paige
101 Lucas
102 Lachlan
105 Alivia
The competition closes September 13th


Our school is once again participating in the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts and feelings that students, families and staff have about how their school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne. 

One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on. Our school believes it is important to encourage families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of the school.

The survey is available online, can be accessed from Monday 2 September and needs to be completed by Friday 20 September 2024. This survey may only be completed once.

3/4 Excursion to Immigration Museum and Ian Potter Art Gallery

On Tuesday 20th August the 3/4 classes went on an adventure into the city. The purpose of the excursion was to visit the Immigration Museum to help with sparking curiosity and interest in our new History unit for Inquiry. The students explored stories from our First Nations People and the journey that many different migrant communities took to come to Australia. We also took the opportunity to visit the Ian Potter Art Gallery at Federation Square. At the gallery students explored the early Australian collection and marvelled at the creations on display. Some students took away inspiration for their own art works back at school. 

This was a wonderful day to explore our learning in a different way and despite the weather we managed to have a fabulous time. Many thanks to the parent helpers who came along to support each of the classes.

Italian Day –October 16th 2024 (Term 4 -Week 2 )

Salve a tutti / Hi everyone   

Italian Festa Day at St Augustine’s is coming soon

Wednesday 16th October A day where Italian language, art, food and sport will be celebrated in our school community. 

This event at St Augustine’s, provides students exposure to Italian culture and enables students to develop respect for cultural diversity.

Students are encouraged to wear an Italian themed costume. If students do not have a costume they could wear something with the Italian colours. 

More details of the day to follow. Watch this space in the coming newsletters.


Signora Carmela Di Lorenzo

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference. This week we recognise and celebrate those students who have been inclusive and accepting of others.


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