Learning Matters

Around the School

Magic Milk
Blowing Bubbles
Growing Crystals
Science Experiments

Our Year 34s have been hard at work exploring all things science. They have been working scientifically and investigating how heat is involved in changes of state between solid and liquid.

Wednesday 4th September : Opening Night  4.30 – 7.30pm in Cooinda

The Choir will be performing between 4.30- 5.30pm.

Thursday 5th: General Viewing 9-11am

Please come along and view the wonderful work of our creative students.

Individual Student ART Competition Click on the link for more details of how to enter

If you are able to assist with the Art show please contact Jacinta Fedoruk. (Many hands make light work)

Contact details: jfedoruk@sakeilor.catholic.edu.au

Prep 100 Days of School

On Monday our Prep students celebrated their 100th Day of School. The day was full of fun activities centred around the number 100.

Happy One Hundred Days of School to our amazing Preps.


Once again our students will be taking part in the Cybersafety Term 3 Online Cybersafety Sessions with Inform and Empower.

Below is an outline of what each of the different year levels will focus on along with some useful Parent Tip Sheets.

Prep (Foundation)

  • How to use devices safely & respectfully
  • Getting Started on the internet
  • Balancing Screen time
  • Trusted Adults

Parent Information Sheet

Year 1-2

  • Digital Footprint
  • Usernames & Passwords, Personal Information
  • Not everyone online is who they say they are

Parent Tip Sheet

Year 3-4

  • Cyberbullying
  • Navigating uncomfortable situations, Being an upstander, Help seeking strategies

Parent Tip Sheet

Year 5-6

  • Cyberbullying
  • Navigating uncomfortable situations, Being an upstander, Consent

Parent Tip Sheet

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference. This week we recognise and celebrate those students who have been inclusive and accepting of others.

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