Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report

Hello everybody, welcome back to another month and another week.

This week our kindness challenge is to do something nice for our family’s. Make sure to help out your parents and your siblings.

Our Year 56s are prepping for camp. They are going to Anglesea next week from Wednesday to Friday. Hopefully the weather is nice.

This week our five six’s did had an Incursion with ‘Mad About Science’ where we learned about chemical reactions . We had a lot of fun.

Also this week our Year 3s made their Reconciliation. It was a special time to gather together to ask God to forgive their sins and regain their faith.  Father Peter and Father Michael led the mass.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week.

 Ethan and Sophie (School Captains)

Around the School 

Last week our Yr 34 & 56 students took part in fun Science Incursions. The students got to engage in exciting hands on science experiments in a wonderfully fun and interactive way. The students were so engaged and loved the range of activities.

Student Reporting

Summative reports are provided twice a year at the end of each school semester and are only one part of the reporting process.  The reports provide a clearer picture of your child’s achievements. They will help you understand how your child is progressing and how to support your child’s future learning.

Semester One Reports will be available for you to view and download via the Parent Portal on Monday 20th June.  Login details and instructions will be sent to you at the end of term via email to access your child’s Reports.

* Please note that Prep students receive a modified report in June. They do not receive Achievement scores (Dot Points) for Semester 1 as they have only been at school for 6 months. Achievement scores will be shown at the end of the year on the Semester 2 report.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Student Reporting also consists of Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. These will take place on Tuesday 21st June. To book a time to meet and discuss your child’s report and their goals for Semester 2 please log onto School Interviews  Code: en69m.

If you have a PSG (Program Support Group) meeting for your child you are not required to book an interview time as a time has already been made for you to meet with your child’s teacher and Trish Walsh (Learning Diversity Leader)

If you have a child in 12T the availability for PT Interviews is slightly different with Interviews being allocated across 2 days. Availabilities are:  Tuesday 21st June 12.30- 4.30pm    or    Thursday 23rd June 4pm- 6pm.

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference and for displaying our S.T.A.R.R school values: Show respect, Teamwork, Always persist, Responsible, Resilient.

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