Student Leaders Report
Hi Everyone
As usual St Augustine’s is a busy place to be.
The Year 4s have begun making their First Communion. It is such a special time for them and their connection with God. We ask that everyone keeps these children in your prayers.
Next Tuesday we are having a ‘Book Week’ dress up day. Make sure to come as your favourite character from a book. No need to spend any money, just use resources from home. We will be having a parade in the morning and all parents are welcome to come and watch.
We would like to thank all the people who have donated clothes to a very good cause- St Vinnies- Thank you.
On the 7th September we have our fun run. This exciting event is being organised by our fabulous PA. As you should know, a. Note would’ve been sent home with your child on Tuesday. We are raising money for a new football post down on the oval and chairs for the playground. We will be running around our top oval and you will need some of your family to sponsor you for each lap.
Next week we will be celebrating St Augustine’s Feast day. Our Social Justice, SRC, Environmental Warriors, House Leaders and other leadership groups will be organising this on the day. It is a very special day for our school to celebrate.
Hope you have a good week from your school captains
Sophie and Ethan
Around the School
Our Student Social Justice team have been hard at work putting together all of your wonderful donations for St Vinnies.
Thank you to everyone who donated money, warm items, clothing and blankets for those families in need in our local community.
Staff Learning- EBL Closure Day
During the recent closure day staff continued their journey with Evidence Based Learning. We engaged in professional learning with Helen Butler exploring the use of ‘Feedback’ as a way to further improve student learning. We unpacked what effective feedback looks like and explored ways of providing effective feedback to assist our learners to reflect on their learning and their learning strategies so they can make adjustments to make better progress in their learning.
Key ‘Take Aways’ from the day:
- Providing students with meaningful feedback can greatly enhance their learning and achievement
- Feedback can be verbal, written or gestural
- Feedback is most effective when it is given immediately
- When giving feedback, it should be clear to students how the information they are receiving will help them progress toward their final goal.
As we move forward teachers are going to be focusing on using consistent language when providing feedback to students that will help further growth, reflection and progress in learning.
Award Winners
Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference.