Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report

Hi Everyone

Over the past two weeks we have been  welcoming the new preps to school.

Some of the 5/6s have been helping the new preps with some fun activities and have been playing games getting them prepared to come to St Augustine’s. The new preps have been enjoying their time during toddler time making  friends, listening to books and learning new experiences.  

Recently the 1/2s have been doing an experience called Out and About. Out and About is where the 1/2s go exploring and completing  fun  activities such as dancing, games, craft and singing. This gives them new experiences and fun times with their friends.

 In two weeks we will get back to you for our last newsletter for the year.

Thank you.

 Millie, Zara, Logan & Parker  (Student Leaders)

Student Reporting- Semester 2

Semester Two Student Reports will be available for you to view and download via the Parent Portal on Monday 9th December.

Click on the Quick Guide link below to see how to access the NEW Parent Portal. 

Nforma APP -Quick Guide Link

With Students reports being distributed shortly it is a timely reminder that the information contained in the Student Report is only a snapshot.  It provides a summary of skills covered, your child’s overall achievement and attitude to learning and behaviour. Summative reports are provided twice a year at the end of each school semester and are only one part of the reporting process.  The reports provide a clear picture of your child’s achievements. They will help you understand how your child is progressing against the standards and how to support your child’s future learning.

Optional Parent Teacher Interviews

Optional  Parent Teacher interviews  will take place on Tuesday 10th December. If you would like to make a time to meet with your child’s teacher please contact your child’s teacher directly.

Italian Fiesta

The children at St Augustine’s will be celebrating their achievements, discoveries and learning of the Italian language and culture, with an 

‘Italian Christmas Festa’ and ‘Panettone e musica’.

Please see the attached flyer for more information


Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference. This week we recognise and celebrate those students who have been inclusive and accepting of others.

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