Learning Matters

Around the School

Hello everyone

There have been some pretty exciting things happening around the school. The preps 100 days are coming up on Friday and what a wonderful time they have had at St Augustine’s, with their year 5 buddies, teachers and fellow students. In celebration of their 100 days they will plant 100, so future members of St Augustine can enjoy. On Tuesday all the 5/6s had gathered the mulch and spread it across the grass down the oval. On Monday two Essendon players came to our school (Harrison Jones and Kyle Langford). The 56s did a footy clinic with them and got to have a lot of fun while being taught footy.

Thank you for reading the newsletter this week.

Christian and Jacqueline (Student Leaders)

Book Week 2023 – Read, Grow, Inspire


The theme is for this year’s celebration of Book Week is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’.

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing some of the 2023 shortlisted books from Australian authors in our classrooms. 

 To conclude our celebration of Book Week, we will be having a dress-up day on Monday August 28th. Children are encouraged to choose a book character and come to school wearing something that represents that character (we encourage children to think creatively and keep costumes simple). We will have a parade around the basketball courts following our Monday morning Prayer and Assembly. Back in the classrooms, we will continue with some fun book response tasks.

 Book Week provides us with great opportunities to discuss the beauty of books and how they enrich our lives in so many ways. 


On Tuesday all the Year 5/6 classes went down to the oval with Ms Anne to prepare the mulch for Friday when we get to plant 100 trees with our buddies. It’s a special time for our buddies because it’s their 100th day of school. By planting new trees it can make a change to our environment. We are going to be planting 100 trees in the mulch. This will also help the Preps learn about the environment more so that they can do things to help our planet. All of the 5/6s and Preps are excited to plant the trees. 

By Clara and Tyson

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference.

Tm 3 Wk 4 Award Winners
Tm 3 Wk 3 Award Winners
Barca Family Awards
STARR Student
Moran Family Awards
Jurilj Family Awards

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