Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report

Hello Parents and Students

We are excited to be your school captains this year. We are here for you so you can ask us any questions. We are very excited for the year to come and would love to help our peers. It’s going to be a very fun and exciting year together. Remember to always be flexible, persistent and make sure you have a smile on your face.

Our theme this year is ‘See a Need Make a difference – let’s see if we can all work together try to embrace this theme this year.


Millie & Logan

(School Captains)

Term 1 Curriculum News

Welcome back everyone!

Please click on the links below to see an outline of what students are focusing on this term.


Year 1-2

Year 3-4

Year 5-6

Parent Teacher Learning Conversations

(Get to know you Interviews)

This year we are moving back to Face to Face Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. These interviews will be held at school in the hall (Cooinda) between 12.30pm- 7pm. The focus of these early interviews is to provide time for parents to meet their child’s teacher and to share/discuss relevant information that will assist teachers to get to know your child.

The smooth running of our event relies on all parents & teachers keeping to the timetable. Please ensure you are available on time for your allocated 10 minute appointment. If you require more time than the 10 minute allocation with a particular teacher, please speak to your child’s teacher to arrange another meeting time.

Please log onto School Interviews to book a time to meet with your child/childrens teacher.

www.schoolinterviews.com.au  Event code.:  vj6xb


Onsite Supervision

All students including Preps will be dismissed at 12.15pm on Thursday 15th February in order to run our Term 1 (Get to Know You) Parent Teacher Learning Conversations.

If you are unable to collect your child at 12.15pm and require supervision at school please click on the link below to register them.

Students will be supervised in the library by school staff until 3.15pm.

Supervision Request Form

Cybersafety- Tech User Agreement

Cybersafety is an important issue for young children. By the time young children arrive at school many are already online or using digital technologies. As a school we  have a duty of care to take reasonable steps to ensure digital learning is conducted in a safe and responsible manner. All students P-6  and parents are expected to read through and sign the schools Technolgy User Agreement.  Click on the link below to access the Tech User Agreement

Tech User Agreement

In line with our Technology User Policy it is expected that parents (at least x1 parent) participate in a Parent Workshop that focuses on keeping our kids safe online. This years workshop will be an Online Webinar which will be held on Thursday 22nd February @ 7.30pm -see registration details below.

Cybersafety Parent Webinar

To register for the Parent Webinar please click on the link below


Once you register (with an email address and name), you will be emailed a link to the webinar. You will also receive a reminder email and a link to access the replay of the webinar. Any parent who registers for this webinar will be able to access the replay which will be available for 30 days so we are encouraging all parents to register.

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference.

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