Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report

Hi Everyone

Over the past two weeks most year 6’s and some year 5’s were involved in playing some football and soccer Gala days. Our school’s little rockets shot through and won the footy gala with placing first in all four games! The year 6 girls played some intense soccer games winning the title of  premier champions and both teams will compete in the final round next week. Moving on to cross country in the first round we did extremely well getting over 20 people that placed to move on to divisionals. Divisionals gave us a tough challenge and most of our team finished the race doing so well . We had Cody  and Marcus in year 6  and Estelle and Ella in year 4 . These four tough fighters will be moving on to the regionals which is the next round. We congratulate the people in our school who have been very successful in the sporting area.

The children have been very creative down on the oval by bringing down wool to make little cubbies with their friends. It is a great way to spend their lunch time being creative and learning how to work as a team while still being able to have fun. Mrs Tadic was given a box of downballs and she has given them to every single class as a way to have more variety when it comes to recess games. The Children have used this opportunity to play downball competitions and make rosters.

We can’t wait to update you for week 10 . Good luck to all our finalists who have given it their best go!

Thank you By : Millie and Zara (Student Leaders)

Working Scientifically

Our 3/4 students have been very busy as they begin their new  Science Inquiry. During their recent incursion with PrimeScience from Swinburne University the students had an opportunity to explore the properties of solids and liquids and discover what changing states of matter really mean. This incursion was a great way to introduce our students to the new Inquiry unit they are undertaking. Look out for some future experiments by our budding young scientists in action across the coming weeks.

Reconciliation Week

Over the last week we have been celebrating  Reconciliation Week . The 2024 theme is, Now More Than Ever.  It is a reminder to all of us that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue.

Now more than ever, the business of reconciliation must be tackled. Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.

The dates for National Reconciliation Week remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.

Sustainability in Action in our Community 

Last Friday our Year 4 students went on a local excursion to Caroline Chisholm Reserve where they had a fantastic opportunity to work with Brimbank Council and the Maribyrnong River and Waterways Association as part of World Environment Day. The students enjoyed being able to make a difference to the environment and contribution to their local community. The theme for this year’s World Environment Day is “Our Land, Our Future: We are Generation Restoration.”  We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land.

This partnership with community groups who are working to make a difference in our environment was a great opportunity for our Year 4 students to see how small actions can make a remarkable difference. The students planted a number of different indigenous plants along the area near the river. They also explored the water bugs in the river to determine the health of the river. Angela from Maribyrnong River and Waterways Association showed the students how to identify the different bugs in the water and when checking this with the inhabitants chart the students could determine how healthy the river was. Next time you are looking for some green time we encourage you to take a walk to the reserve and have a look at the incredible planting the students did.

Student Reporting -Semester 1

Semester One Reports will be available for you to view and download via the Parent Portal on Monday 24th June.  

With Students reports being distributed shortly it is a timely reminder that the information contained in the Student Report is only a snapshot.  It provides a summary of skills covered, your child’s overall achievement and attitude to learning and behaviour. Summative reports are provided twice a year at the end of each school semester and are only one part of the reporting process.  The reports provide a clear picture of your child’s achievements. They will help you understand how your child is progressing and how to support your child’s future learning.

* Please note that Prep students will receive a modified report for Semester One. They will not receive Achievement scores (Dot Points) for Semester 1 as they have only been at school for 6 months. Achievement scores for Preps will be shown at the end of the year on the Semester 2 report.

Parent Portal Quick Guide

Click on the Quick Guide link above to see how to access the Parent Portal. Please note that all login details to access the portal will be sent out on Monday 24th June.

Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 

On Tuesday 25th June all students will finish at 12.15pm to accommodate our ‘Parent Teacher Learning Conversations’ for Semester 1. These Parent Teacher Learning Converstations will be a hybrid style with Face to Face Meetings being held between 12.30pm – 4.30pm and online meetings between 5.00pm- 7pm for students in Years Prep-6. (Please note that for parents who have already booked a PSG meeting you do not need to book another Parent Teacher Learning Conversation time with your childs teacher)

To select a time to meet with your childs teacher please go to Schoolinterviews.com.au and log on using Event Code 2u8xj

All parents are asked to make arrangements to pick up their child/ren at 12.15pm on this day.

If this proves to be impossible for any family, please click on the link below and complete the form and the school will make arrangements for your child to be supervised until the time you are able to pick them up. 

PT Supervision Required  

If you are unable to collect your child/ children and require onsite supervision at school please register via the link below

PT Supervision Register – 2024

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference. This week we recognise and celebrate those students who have been inclusive and accepting of others.

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