Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report

Hi Everyone -here is a snapshot of some of the things that have been happening around the school over the last two weeks.

Some of our Year 5 / 6 students took part in a footy gala day. It was a mixed team. Everyone had fun but it was a really hard day. Our footy team  had to play 3 games of football with all quarters going for 15 minutes. All the quarters were very challenging for the players. It was a hard day but it was all worth it in the end as  they came runners up. It was the furthest Miss Tadic has ever gotten!

Also the some other Year  5 / 6  boys played off in a soccer tournament while the Year 6 girls soccer team played in the girls soccer tournament. Both teams all tried their best but unfortunately the girls came second after losing in the grand final in a penalty playoff . The boys team unfortunately lost all of their games but they tall worked together and tried really hard.

To support  St Vincent winter appeal  our Social Justice leaders are asking is for everyone to bring along some warm clothing that is used but in good condition to donate to the less fortunate in our local community. The final day for donations is the 26 of June .

The 28th of June  is casual clothes day, all students are being asked to please bring along a tin of canned food or food item that is { non-perishable } instead of a gold coin. These items will also be given to St Vincents as part of the winter appeal.

Thank you for your kindness

Logan and Parker (Student Leaders)

Term 2 wrap up by the school student leaders.

We had a great term and lots of exciting things happened in our school. Here are some of our biggest achievements and experiences that we had during the term.

One of our first very exciting events was when we had an interview with Gavin Healy our school reviewer. We were a bit scared at first but we felt special that we got to be asked for our opinion.The interview was a great way for Mr Healy to let our voices be heard to make our school better for our future students. It was a very enjoyable event and we love to see that our opinions are being taken into consideration and also seriously. We thank Mr Healy for coming and helping us improve our school. 

The preppies were very lucky to have firefighters come to our school to educate them about fires and how they can be dangerous but also have a good purpose. The preppies had lots of fun and enjoyed the visit a lot! The fire fighters were very generous and let the preppies see the water hose spray everywhere they had a good laugh and lots of fun.

For our Mother’s Day some dads volunteered to set up the Mother’s Day breakfast. The mothers loved this special surprise and received lots of yummy food and a flower given by their child as a sign that they appreciated all of the things they do for them . We were also very thankful for all the hardworking mothers who set up the Mother’s Day 


All St Augustines students have been working on different art projects to Apply for the art show . Some of these pieces are:

  • Charcoal drawings
  • emu  paintings 
  • clay sculptures 
  • tessellations 
  • Nature art 
  • Art inspired pieces from around the world
  • finger painting
  • dioramas 
  • Art work recycled from bottles 
  • paper art drawings 

We have been working really hard on our art and we can’t wait to show what we’ve been working on.

Year 3 and 4 students participated in a science incursion . They got to do a variety of different experiments, some of them were, explosions with salt water and a tablet. They played a game to see how many times the lid would pop off with all the pressure in the tube (the most successful group got 20). Another experiment they did was when they used 2 cups of hot water and cold water and put blue dye in them then they changed color into pink and green. Lastly they did oobleck which is cornflour and water.  They threw  it up in the air and got to play with it, it was a very fun experience for the 3/4s 

Enjoy the holiday break and have lots of fun! 

Thank you so much for reading the newsletter 

by: Millie and Zara

Student Reporting -Semester 1

Semester One Reports will be available for you to view and download via the Parent Portal next Monday 24th June.  

With Students reports being distributed shortly it is a timely reminder that the information contained in the Student Report is only a snapshot.  It provides a summary of skills covered, your child’s overall achievement and attitude to learning and behaviour. Summative reports are provided twice a year at the end of each school semester and are only one part of the reporting process.  The reports provide a clear picture of your child’s achievements. They will help you understand how your child is progressing and how to support your child’s future learning.

Parent Portal Quick Guide

Click on the Quick Guide link above to see how to access the Parent Portal. Please note that all login details to access the portal will be sent out on Monday 24th June.

* Please note that Prep students will receive a modified report for Semester One. They will not receive Achievement scores (Dot Points) for Semester 1 as they have only been at school for 6 months. Achievement scores for Preps will be shown at the end of the year on the Semester 2 report.

Changes to student reporting for Mathematics

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) recently published its revised Mathematics curriculum (Mathematics curriculum 2.0).

At St Augustine’s  we have begun using the revised Mathematics curriculum and this will be reflected in the school reporting, starting from this semester, semester one 2024. In your child’s previous report, the teacher reported against the 3 strands of the achievement standard for Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability). Under the Mathematics curriculum 2.0, your child’s teacher will now report against the achievement standard as a whole, providing a single, aggregated score for Maths. As the achievement standards reported on have changed, you will now receive a report under the Mathematics  Victorian 2.0 curriculum. It will be shown separately on your child’s report and will only show achievement and not progress as it is not possible to make a direct comparison with your child’s previous Maths report.

For further information, refer to the Victorian Education Department’s policy on Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10.

AMC Maths Competition

We are excited to invite all students from years 3-6 to participate in the 2024 Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). First run in 1978, the Australian Mathematics Competition is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known Maths competition for school students.

The AMC is an exciting competition that highlights the significance of mathematics in everyday life. It consists of 30 problem solving questions, covering topics such as

  • Basic Arithmetic
  • Fractions and Ratios
  • Algebra and Pre-algebra
  • Geometry
  • Measurement
  • Statistics and probability
  • Problem solving

This competition will be held online, at school, between the 6th and the 8th August, 2024.

Every participant will receive a certificate indicating their level of achievement. The entry fee is $8.50 per child and is non-refundable if they are absent during these days.

If you would like your child to take part in the 2024 Australian Mathematics Competition, please complete the expression of interest form that is linked below before Friday 28th June, 2024.

Mrs Clare Kheir (Maths Leader) will send out permission forms and payment requests to those who express interest at the start of term 3.    

2024 Australian Mathematics Competition – Expression of Interest Form

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference. This week we recognise and celebrate those students who have been inclusive and accepting of others.

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