
Term 3 Week 10

Another term comes to a close and another term of great growth and learning. It has been a particularly busy term with many events and activities throughout.  The children staff and families enjoyed: St Augustine’s day, book fair, art show, fathers day, yr 3 sacrament of Reconciliation, 5/6 camp, grandparents morning, students’ movie night, Bunnings BBQ, prep 100 days, lunch order days, excursion/incursions and from all this so much rich and engaging learning!! No wonder you are feeling tired! Thank you to you all for working in partnership to ensure that our children come to school with a smile on their face and eager to be engaged in their learning. 

Thank you to Maree McBean and Mrs Rebecca for organising the book fair. The book fair was to celebrate book week in a different way and re ignite the children’s love of reading. Many books were looked at and then bought with the school raising $2000 to go towards revitalising the book collection in the library. Thank you families for supporting this but also knowing the importance of books!

Many events have been organised for next term. Be sure to look at the term 4 calendar in readiness. Week two, October 15th, Signora (our Italian teacher) has organised an Italian day  to celebrate the Italian culture. We have a pizza company and gelato company organised for the children. Be sure to dress up in an ‘Italian’ theme as we have a parade to start off the day. More details are in the ‘Learning Matters’ page.

On Tuesday the school farewelled Fr Peter Hoang our parish priest. Fr Peter will be leaving St Christopher’s parish and moving to Our Lady’s Sunshine as the assistant parish priest. We thank Fr Peter for all his guidance over the years and wish him well in his new parish. We will welcome Fr Ananda Maddineni on the 24th September as our new parish priest.

Tomorrow is the last day of term where we finish at 1pm. Children are encouraged to wear footy colours or the colours of their favourite sporting team. You will be able to spot me as I wear the St Kilda colours with only one other student! There will be a gold coin donation asked of all students to go towards ‘MacKillop Family Services Equine-Assisted Social and Emotional Learning Centre’. More information on this charity on the ‘RE News’ page.


Thank you once again for a wonderfully productive term.

Have a restful break!

Cathy Steere

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