
Term 4 Week 2

Welcome to term 4! It always amazes me when we get to this term at how fast we get here. Fourth term is always a busy yet celebratory term as we acknowledge the learning over the year and celebrate Christmas. It continues to be a busy time with many different events organised. Enjoy the term and remember to enjoy the journey!

Our Parents Auxiliary continue to be busy organising fundraisers and events for the school. Tomorrow we will have a pasta lunch order day to help celebrate Italian week. The PA has also purchased tables and bench seats for the deckings in readiness for the warmer weather where the children can work outside enveloped by the beautiful scenery. The PA will be meeting on the 29th November at 9am in Cooinda to start organising the Carols BBQ. Everyone is welcome.

A reminder that next Monday, 21st October, is a whole school closure day. No children attend school. The day before cup day (4th November) is also a closure day and the whole school planning day in readiness for 2025 is on Monday 9th December. No children attend school on this day.

We have been running Toddler Time this term on a Monday morning for any toddlers in the school and wider community who would like to come along. It is usually a 45min session where the children have a story and activity run by our year 5/6 leaders and Mrs Fedoruk. All toddlers are welcome!

Jodie Velardo, out Wellbeing Leader organised an online information evening for our parents and year 5/6 children called, “Things are changing”.  Puberty, growing up and relationships were topics discussed. ‘Choicez’ was the organisation who facilitated the evening. They have been delivering puberty education nights for parents for the past 19 years and is Australia’s #1 provider of value based sex and puberty education. They are an approved organisation and endorsed by the Catholic Bishops and MACS with an alignment to Catholic teaching and values. It was a great start to the ‘puberty’ conversation with parent booklets available to keep the discussions ongoing. Thank you to all the families who attended and to Mrs Jodie for organising it.

Yesterday was all things Italian for our Italian Day!  What a ‘buonissimo’ day it was. The children entered the yard in the morning dressed as the italian flag, soccer players, Mario brothers, Pinocchio and more. The children all enjoyed the pizza making experience and managed to taste a piece of pizza. Gelato was also provided as a special treat. Thank you parents for getting into the spirit of the day and helping source costumes. Thanks to Signora Di Lorenzo, our italian teacher, for organising the day.

It is always a delight to hear about students success outside of school whether it is a past student moving onto bigger and great things or current students finding success in their extracurricular endeavours. During the holidays both Isaac and Parker (both from 1/2G) represented Caroline Springs George Cross in the Under 8 Gold Coast Cup. There were 52 teams in their age group with their team ending up making the grand final only to fall short and losing 1-0. What a fabulous achievement! Congratulations to Joey Bondin who coached them to this success. The boys should be very proud of themselves as they played against some of the best academy teams going around in Australia and finished second. They have been invited to go again next year!

We have begun to sell icypoles at the recess break during this term. Icypoles are 50c each. There are a few protocols to remember. Children can only buy icypoles for themselves. We cannot sell icypoles to a child who is then giving these to someone else. Siblings are permitted as long as the siblings come to the line together. There is no selection of flavours-children will be given the next icypole to come out of the packet. There are no IOUs. Unless the child has 50c they will not get an icypole. Icypoles are sold on days 20degrees or more according to the weather forecast in the morning. A parent must be assisting for this to go ahead. Please join the whatsapp group to volunteer.

Next week begins with the whole school closure day followed by Year 3/4 camp on Wednesday and Thursday. The teachers have been busily organising the two days held at Bacchus Marsh. We look forward to photos and all their stories from the two days.

Next Friday we celebrate World Teachers Day. A big thank you to all the staff at St Augustine’s who always go out of their way to provide a vibrant and nurturing environment for our children. You make a difference! We also have our Prep breakfast next Friday where our preps come early to school in their pyjamas and have breakfast. It is the start of the outdoor education program to eventually lead up to overnight camps in the upper grades.

We have had some cases of conjunctivitis in the juniors. If your child is complaining of sore, red, itchy eyes then please have them seen by a doctor. Hand hygiene is most important to prevent the spread of germs.

A reminder that summer uniform is to be worn starting next week.


Cathy Steere

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