
Term 4 Week 4


Last Friday we celebrated World Teachers Day. It is a special time to recognise and thank all the staff for their dedication and hard work. We celebrate all our staff on this day for their skilled work in educating, inspiring and supporting our students. Thank you to all the staff who always provide time, comfort, love and support to all our children and for your never ending passion, enthusiasm and commitment!

Last week our Yr 3/4 children attended camp at the YMCA Lady Northcote Camp in Bacchus Marsh. I attended on Wednesday and enjoyed the beautiful  sunshine as the children participated in activities such as canoeing, giant swing, archery and bike riding. Our camp experiences provide an opportunity for the children to explore their inner strength as they were challenged by some of the activities and spend a night away from home with friends and teachers. Thank you to Ms McKay, Ms Selena, Mrs Anne and Mrs Fedoruk who attended camp and for organising this experience for the children. Thank you to the four dads who also volunteered their time: Mark, Stephen, Chris and Gilberto. Wonderful school memories!

Last Friday our prep children enjoyed an early morning start at 7.30am to arrive at school for their prep breakfast experience. The children arrived in pyjamas to be greeted by their teachers also in pyjamas and dressing gowns. They enjoyed a breakfast at school and then changed into their school uniform while also brushing their teethe and washing their dishes. This experience is part of the schools outdoor education program that eventually leads to the overnight camps in Yr 3-6. Next week the 1-2 children will enjoy their ‘out and about’ evening where they will stay after school for dinner and games.

Last week the children met Fr Ananda our new parish priest. Fr Ananda went to all the classes to introduce himself and talk with the students and teachers. He said he felt great joy when he asked if they knew who he was. The children would respond with, “You are our new priest.” He appreciated the use of the word ‘our’, indicating that he was part of this community .

Big child Care are our before and after care providers. They work closely with the school and always support us in many of our events ie. providing coffee vans for mothers and fathers day breakfasts. Attached is a report for term 3 highlighting the great things they do with the children. Contact details are included if you would like more information on the service.

A reminder that the school will be closed next Monday 4th November and Tuesday 5th November. I hope you enjoy the extra long weekend!

Cathy Steere

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