
Term 4 Week 6

This Monday morning our children assembled under the flagpoles for Remembrance Day. We had a past student, Dillon, play the last post for us with the school then observing a minutes silence. It was a reverent and solemn occasion. Our year 5/6 children have been writing poetry about Remembrance Day and how war effects us all. The following is a poignant poem written by Aishah – Yr5/6 C

Poppies grow amongst the field with the power that we wield

We remember them and what they’ve done left their daughters and their sons

As the soldiers leave for war remember their families left unsure 

Let them not be forgotten as this world has been left rotten

The blood of our heroes never dies as the birds flee from the deep red skies

Now the poppies we wear are red so we can honour those dead

Now we sit and weep in memory of those who sleep


This year Jacinta Fedoruk and Clare Kheir have been sharing the Acting Deputy Principal Role. I am pleased to announce, after a rigorous interview process, St Augustine’s will have a full time Deputy Principal starting in 2025. Congratulations to Clare Kheir who will be taking on this role full time next year. Thank you to Jacinta Fedoruk for being convinced to step up this year as an acting Deputy Principal and as a mentor for Clare. Jacinta will continue in her role as Learning and Teaching and Parent Partnerships Leader four days a week.


Last Thursday our Yr 1/2 children enjoyed their ‘Out and About’ evening. They enjoyed different games and activities and a hot dog dinner with a drink and icy pole. The children were excited to change from their uniforms into casual clothes. One child came to me and said, ‘This is the best day ever!’ This experience is part of the schools outdoor education program that eventually leads to the overnight camps in Yr 3-6. Thank you to the 1/2 teachers who organised the evening and to staff who volunteered their time to assist throughout the evening.

The School Advisory Council met on Tuesday to discuss school matters including communication modes, school data and school fees for 2025. We say goodbye to three of our members who have completed their two year tenure. Thank you to Tim Norton, Draga Baljak and Michelle Calderone. A special thank you to Michelle who has been the council Chair for the past two years. If you wish to nominate for the school Advisory Council for the next two years please go to the ‘Noticeboard’ page to complete the expression of interest form.

Our 2025 preps have started their transition days with a number of staff helping out. They have been arriving in their specially designed St Augustine’s t shirts, proudly announcing they are coming here next year! There are three more sessions with the third session the whole school step up day.

Our Year 1/2 children will commence their swimming program in week nine. We keep this program organised for the end of the year allowing the junior children time to settle into the year and to be that bit older so they can change themselves and organise their belongings. A reminder to label everything including shoes and thongs!

We have wonderful news to announce with the impending birth of another St Augustine’s baby. Mrs Krystina Costello is expecting her third baby. Krystina is due early next year. Congratulations to Krystina, Bryce, Savannah and Jessie.

Some dates to remember:

Our Carols night is the 5th December. 

Whole school closure day 9th December

Yr 6 Graduation 12th December

Last day of term Tuesday 17th December at 1pm

Remember to check the school calendar for other events to come.


Cathy Steere

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