
Term 4 Week 8

Tuesday morning there was a buzz in the school as staff from the Emergency Management and Planning team from MACS were filming at the school. Each year our schools are visited by this team to discuss our Emergency Management Plans and any other requirements. We are also a BARR school (Bushfire At Risk ) so our plans and processes have been audited. It was during this previous meeting that the MACS team recognised the thorough planning and setup we have in addressing our emergency procedures. They are creating videos for other schools to be inspired by us to ensure their processes are in place. Our beautiful setting will be used as a backdrop to explain and demonstrate ways to set up emergency management in schools.

The children in P-2 were excited when arriving at school to find tables and benches on their deckings. This functioning outdoor space has been made even more practical with this furniture. The teachers and children have already begun to use it during the fine days we have been having. Thank you to the Parents Auxiliary for fundraising so we could purchase these and for all families for your ongoing support with our fundraising events.

As we wonder around the school we can be greeted by the sweet voices of the children as they practise carols in readiness for carols on Thursday 5th December. The evening will start with a BBQ at 5pm-6pm  run by the Parents Auxiliary. Carols will start at 6.30pm. Bring a picnic supper or enjoy the BBQ. Bring along a rug or outdoor chair to view the children performing. You are invited to donate to the St Vinnies Christmas Appeal on the night by bringing along a new toy to contribute to the toy appeal. The Christmas raffle will also be drawn on the night. We ask that you donate items for the raffle by sending them to school with your children. Any donation must be brand new. We are after Christmas themed non perishable food, Christmas art, toys and family items.

Our prep 2025 transition days have been completed. Over the past four fridays our new preps have been experiencing a taste of school life in readiness for next year. The next time we see them will be on the step up day.

The School Advisory Council met last week for the final time this year. We have been working on a comprehensive guide for the use of our schools different forms of communication. It was recognised that we have many ways to communicate between schools and home. At times it is confusing which mode to use in different situations. We hope that this guide will help clear up some of the confusion. It will be published in 2025 as we start the new year. 

A reminder that we still have families with outstanding fees. Please contact the office as soon as possible about paying the remainder of your fees before the end of the year.

Next Monday our Prep-Yr2 children begin their swimming program. We deliberately wait for the end of the year for our juniors to participate in the program allowing them time to settle into the year and mature just that bit more by the end of the year. A reminder to ensure your child has all they need for their swimming lessons as per the communication that has been sent home. A reminder that swimming is not an opt in or out activity. It is an integral part of the curriculum that all children are expected to attend. 

A few reminders:

Carols – Thursday 5th December. 5-6pm BBQ followed by Carols at 6.30pm

Whole school closure day –  Monday 9th December

Yr 6 Graduation – Thursday 12th December in Cooinda

End of Year Liturgy – Monday 16th December 9.15am

Last day of term – Tuesday 17th December at 1pm

Remember to check the school calendar for other events.


Cathy Steere

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