
Term 2 Week 8

Our Yr 5/6 children participated in he two night camp last week and the YMCA camp at Anglesea. I managed to go down on the Wednesday as the children were engaged in the beach activities. We were lucky with the weather as there were many moments of sunshine and less moments of rain. The children, teachers and dads came home with many stories to tell but also tired and ready for a rest! Thank you to our four dads, Adam, Denis, Rob and Pete who gave up three of their working days and nights to be on camp. Thank you to the staff who organised and also gave of their time to facilitate this camp: Anne Durham, Vanessa Cullum, Gemma Peasnell, Clare Kheir, Timea Stegnar and Jacinta Fedoruk. Congratulations to Cody M who has progressed to the  state cross country finals and who then had his mum bring him to camp!

Reports have been written and proofread. They will be published on the Parent Portal on Monday 20th June. Login details and instructions will be sent to you via email to access your child’s Reports. See the ‘Learning Matters’ page for more detail. A reminder that online Parent /Teacher conversations will be conducted next Tuesday 21st June. If you haven’t already, be sure to book in for an online interview. To do this once again head to the ‘Learning Matters’ page for further details. 

Children will be dismissed at 12.15pm on Tuesday 21st June for the first interview to start at 12.30pm. If you need your child to stay at school until 3.15pm on this day please follow the link to place the child’s name on the list. These children will need to be collected at 3.15pm or booked into after school care. 

TRIVIA NIGHT-Keep the night free!! The Parents Auxiliary are looking forward to a fun night, organised to reconnect families and to also have a laugh, win some prizes and show your trivia skills! Use the details on the flier to book your place or organise a table. Let’s get as many St Augustine’s family and friends to this event!!

This year St Christopher’s Parish celebrates 60 years as a parish and 50 years of the St Christopher’s church. This is a mighty achievement and we invite you to help us celebrate. All children, families and friends are invited to the 10.30 mass on July 24th at St Christopher’s church to gather and thank God for all  He has done through the ministry at St Christopher’s Parish Airport West. Please come along so we can celebrate together as a parish.


Online access during restrictions enabled us all to remain connected and for the children to continue with their learning. Unfortunately it also opened the cyberworld to our children, right down to our preps. With this has come some challenges as they continue to access sites and behaviours that may be inappropriate. They have become used to having the world at their fingertips! This year we introduced cybersafety experts to present sessions twice a term to our children with follow up lessons in class. The online world continues to expand with many of us finding it difficult to keep up or to know how to moniter our children’s use. The esafety Commissioner website is a fabulous cyber safety website with tips and information for many different groups including teachers, children and parents. There are webinars for parents and carers on topics such as setting parental controls on devices, safer online gaming and more. Please head to this site and engage with the content as it is invaluable for keeping our children safe online.

This week our Yr1/2 children, preps and 3/4M moved into their respective new learning spaces as we prepare for the renovation and building project. It has been an exciting adventure for the children as they start to get accustomed to their new environment. Thank you to Jacinta Fedoruk and Jason Trethowan (our groundskeeper) who have organised the move with precision timing!

We farewell Christine Price at a school assembly on Wednesday 22nd June at 2.50pm. Please come along to help us farewell Christine.

A reminder that Term 2 finishes next Friday at 1pm. 


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