
Term 1 Week 6

Last week we welcomed prospective families for prep 2026. Families listened to a presentation about our school but also immersed themselves in the energy and ‘feel’ of the school. Families were taken on a tour and were blown away by the school facilities and grounds. The back oval and newly landscaped areas kept them in raptures about St Augustine’s. Many families sent emails of gratitude and thanks for the tours and expressed their awe at our school. Interviews will be held in May.

Adele Mifsud, Stephanie Rotili (prep teachers), literacy leader Vanessa Cullum, Deputy Principal and maths leader Clare Kheir and myself held the current prep families information night on Thursday 20th March.  It was a chance for the families to come together and learn about what prep looks like and expectations of parents and children. The families managed to tour the prep classrooms and spend time with the teachers. Thank you to all the teachers who attended and for organising the evening.

Last week our year 3-6 children participated in the swimming program at Keilor East Leisure centre. The weather was perfect for a swimming program. The children continue to enjoy these lessons and learn so much about water awareness and safety.

Last week we said goodbye to Mrs Kristina Costello as she begins her maternity leave. Kristina was a prep teacher last year and spent this year assisting with testing and releasing teachers. We won’t be waiting long for an announcement as Kristina is 37 weeks pregnant. I’ll keep you updated!

Today our Year 6 children met with Bishop Terry Curtin as he spoke to them about Confirmation and what it means in our Catholic faith and traditions. Bishop Rene Ramirez was meant to confirm the children as Bishop Terry has retired. Unfortunately due to conflicting commitments Bishop Renee is not able to celebrate with us. Fortunately for us Bishop Terry agreed to Confirm our children, Bishop Terry has confirmed the St Augustine’s children for the past 10 years. We are grateful we also have the opportunity to say goodbye to him.

Yesterday we celebrated Ash Wednesday in Cooinda with Fr Ananda leading us in the liturgy. All the children, staff and families who attended received the ashes on their forehead. The ashes are an act of remembrance, a sign or a witness for others and a renewed commitment to God.

After speaking to some new prep parents, they have let me know that they were unaware of the many pages to this newsletter. Navigating is different on a compter to a mobile phone. A computer will have a menu on the left side where you can open any of the links named as per the picture below.

  Computer View

A mobile phone does not display this menu. Instead you need to click on ‘newsletter’ and the drop down screen will appear with the other pages. Tap on one of these to open the next page.

            Mobile Phone View

The numbers at the bottom of the page take to previous editions of the newsletter.

A reminder that the fun run will be held on Monday 17th March. Be sure to sign up, obtain a white tshirt for your child and sign up sponsors for your child.

School photos will be taken on Tuesday 11th March (next week). Children are to wear full summer uniform, long hair tied back, only studs or small sleepers, brown shoes and brown socks, knit jumper. Be sure to pre order your child’s photos. To order visit: Enter the code: 32L VPH CJF

A reminder that tomorrow, Friday 7th March is a whole school closure day. There are no children at school on this day as the staff engage in professional learning. Monday 10th March is a public holiday allowing an extra long weekend for families.


Cathy Steere

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