
Term 4 Week 10


What a wonderful way to finish off the year with our children caroling us tonight and with our end of year liturgy next Wednesday morning led by our prep children. These are always events to look forward to as we celebrate the very essence of who we are at St Augustine’s-spirit filled and full of life and learning! And so another year has come to pass and in amongst the chaos and mayhem of this busy period, we stop and reflect on the year that was, the memorable moments, the lessons learnt, and the friendships gained and strengthened. St Augustine’s has had an eventful year as we joyfully completed a full year onsite! Our 3/4  children were particularly happy that they finally were able to attend their school camp. Our prep children enjoyed 100 days in prep in August, our Yr 1/2  children experienced their first ‘out and about’ evening at school, the Year 5/6 also spent two nights at Anglesea on camp and all the children have participated in the swimming-water safety and awareness program! Our families have begun once again to forge strong partnerships with the school with parent helpers in classrooms, the Parents Auxiliary running many events the establishment of our MOSA group and parents wandering in the yard for assemblies and generally reacquainting themselves with each other. These events have been taken for granted but this year we had a renewed appreciation for them!  All of these moments and experiences continue to contribute to the engaging and inviting school of St Augustine’s.


The end of year liturgy will be held next Wednesday 14th December at 9.15am. The Prep children will lead us in this liturgy. Families are invited to attend this outdoor event held on the basketball crt. There will be room for you to stand behind the children with a few chairs available to sit on.

The year could not have been so full and rich without the support of so many.  Thank you to the staff who continue to provide a warm and welcoming environment where they focus on high impact learning and teaching and who continue to support the vision of the school. Thank you to our families as we continue to support each other and our children.  A special thank you to our hard working Parents Auxiliary who have provided so much for the children including lunch orders, fundraising drives and BBQs. A special thank you to Emma Antonious, the PA chair for many years, who will be leaving us as her year 6 child leaves at the end of the year and to Melissa DeNardis who will also be leaving for a sea change.  You have supported the school in so many ways and we thank you.  Thank you to all the 2022 Education Board members who have supported the school and myself this year.  The partnerships that we all forge together continue to have a profound impact on the children emotionally, spiritually and academically. All your support has been greatly appreciated. Thank you to our children who provide us with the reasons we do what we do. Your thirst for knowledge and friendships keeps us all eager to do our best and make a difference! Farewell to our Yr 6 children and 16 Yr 6  families where this is also their final year. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and support you throughout your life long journey. Farewell to the following families: Bonello, Clinnick, Dodd, Jurgelait, Neskov, Rawlings, Kline, Psaila, Smith, Wyka, Antonious, Egan, Hanula, Trinh, Willmott, Zahradka, De Nardis, Addo, Cammarata and Malvaso Families.

This year we have a staff member who is retiring after many years at St Augustine’s. We say goodbye to Marie Barbieri who has been at St Augustine’s for 20 years as a Learning Support Officer. Marie has worked with many of our children and has always encouraged them to do their best and help them reach their potential and beyond. We wish you all the best in retirement. We say goodbye to Lenore Tilley who has been at St Augustine’s for 17 years working in years Prep-4 over that time. Thank you for all you have given to our children and for your enthusiasm and passion.  Lenore has taken up a position at Holy Trinity in Sunbury working in a Learning Diversity role. Goodbye to Sarah Curtain who worked in prep this year and has decided to concentrate on family and her own small business. We also say goodbye to Gizella Tomarchio who has been with us as an LSO since April. We wish you well on your next journey.  We also wish Krystina Costello all the best as she awaits the arrival of her baby.   

We welcome Miss Ashleigh Thornton and Hollie Saad as they join us on staff as classroom teachers in 2023. We also welcome back Anna Bird from maternity leave. We welcome Grace Alessio and Natalie Scott who will join the fabulous LSO team next year. 

If you have a prep child starting in 2024 (yes we are already thinking this far ahead!!), could you go to the ‘Notice board’ page and complete the form letting us know the details of the child. We are already looking ahead and being prepared for the 2024 prep enrolments!

The children’s school year finishes on Friday 16th December at 1pm.  We will say our final farewells to the Yr 6 children and staff . This will commence at 12.30pm.  

This is the final newsletter for the year. I wish you all a very happy Christmas and new year. I hope that you have time to spend with family, friends and loved ones and that the joy of Christmas brings you peace, hope, joy and love. And hopefully some rest and relaxation!  


“May you be blessed

With the spirit of the season, which is peace,

The gladness of the season, which is hope,

And the heart of the season, which is love.”

And God’s peace to you.”

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