
Term 4 Week 10

Once again we reflect on a year full of learning, friendships, growth and partnerships. Each year always presents itself with high hopes and expectations and this year was no exception. When looking back I could fill this page with all that we have done, learnt and how we have made a difference. The joy in our children last Thursday night at carols is enough to be reminded of why we do what we do. It has been an eventful year with camps, Sacraments, 100 days of prep, the art show, St Augustine’s day, swimming, excursions, lunch orders, liturgies, learning and more learning! What a wonderful way to finish off the year with our children caroling us last Thursday night. All of these moments and experiences continue to contribute to the engaging and inviting school of St Augustine’s.

The year could not have been so full and rich without the support of so many.  Thank you to the staff who continue to provide a warm and welcoming environment where they focus on high impact learning and teaching and who continue to support the vision of the school. Thank you to our families and for the partnerships we form together and the trust you place in us.  A special thank you to our hard working Parents Auxiliary, especially Claire Boskovic the PA chair, who have provided so much for the children including lunch orders, fundraising drives and BBQs. The bottom oval shade sails, landscaping and tables on decks are a testament to your hard work. Thank you families for supporting them. Thank you to our MOSA group for continuing to provide connection and support to our school. Thank you to all the 2024  School Advisory Council members who have supported the school and myself this year.  The partnerships that we all forge together continue to have a profound impact on the children emotionally, spiritually and academically. All your support has been greatly appreciated. Thank you to our children who provide us with the reasons we do what we do. Your thirst for knowledge and friendships keep us all eager to do our best, make a difference. Farewell to our Yr 6 children and 23 Yr 6  families where this is also their final year. Farewell to these families: Afedzie, Blavicki, Bourke, Calderone, Calovic, Clark, Collins, Cullia, Delaney, Dinh, Favaloro, Hobson, Ivkovic, Jamieson, Johnstone, Lau, Lukic, Mangan, McGee, Millen, Monaghan, Patterson and Sita families. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and support you throughout your life long journey.  We will see all these families and children come together for their graduation mass and supper tonight. 

The School Advisory Council met for our last meeting of the year where school fees where discussed and ratified. Every year we endeavour to keep fees at the lowest possible and try to only incur small increases due to CPI. The 2024 school fee schedule is attached. 

We say farewell to one of our beloved staff members, Jo Crawford, as she retires from teaching to take on other things. Jo has been with us for over nine years and played an instrumental part in the school improvement, particularly in the junior grades. We wish her well on her next journey. Children have met their 2025 class teachers and classmates. I have attached a list of the St Augustine’s staff for 2025.


The holidays provide an ideal time to complete maintenance around the school. The grass allocated for the new landscaping will be installed starting next week. This will include a watering system to help keep it fresh during the hot summer months. We are also installing split systems in Cooinda with the help of a grant through the Victorian Energy Upgrades program. The school will also undergo a deep clean with windows and carpets cleaned.

A reminder that school finishes for the 2024 school year next Tuesday 17th December at 1pm.

A Term 1 2025 calendar has been added to the Noticeboard page, detailing the return to school times and days next year. 


I wish you all a fabulous break full of family, love and plenty of rest!


Cathy Steere

The Christmas Prayer of Saint Augustine of Hippo

Let the just rejoice, for their justifier is born.

Let the sick and infirm rejoice, for their savior is born.

Let the captives rejoice, for their Redeemer is born.

Let slaves rejoice, for their Master is born.

Let free men rejoice, for their Liberator is born.

Let All Christians rejoice, for Jesus Christ is born.

–Saint Augustine of Hippo

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