
Term 4 Week 4

It has been a solid week of learning as we move forward into term 4. The children are working hard on a wide variety of topics. Prep children are learning about ‘family’ and celebrating differences. Yr 1/2 are learning about safety in the areas of traffic, water and cybersafety. The yr 3/4 focus is on geography and Australia and our neighbours. Yr 5/6 have a business and economics focus as they design their own business with a business and financial plan. Some interesting conversations for home!

This week our Yr 3/4 children attended camp at the YMCA Mt Evelyn Discovery Camp. I attended on Monday and enjoyed the eventual sunshine as the children participated in activities such as flying fox, giant swing, archery and low ropes course. The evening was completed with a campfire and ‘s’mores’ for each child. A sticky end to the evening! Our camp experiences provide an opportunity for the children to explore their inner strength as they are challenged by some of the activities and spend a night away from home with friends and teachers. Thank you to Ms McKay, Ms Selena, Mrs Anne, Mrs Clare and Mrs Barone who attended camp and for organising this experience for the children. Thank you to the four dads who also volunteered their time: John, Martin, Chris and Alex. Wonderful school memories!

Today we celebrated ‘World Teachers Day’. We celebrate all our staff on this day for their skilled work in educating, inspiring and supporting our students. Thank you to all the staff who always provide time, comfort, love and support to all our children and for your never ending passion, enthusiasm and commitment!

A reminder we have lunch order day tomorrow. Thank you to our wonderful Parents Auxiliary for organising this treat for the children.

Cathy Steere

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