
Term 2 Week 8

Over the past three Sundays our Year 4 students have celebrated their First Eucharist at St Augustine’s church. Each Yr 4 class was allocated a specific Sunday which meant they were able to celebrate with their classmates and teachers. Each Sunday was an intimate affair with the small group gathering around the altar as Fr Peter consecrated the bread and wine. Each child was then invited to come to Fr Peter to receive the Eucharist for the first time. Celebrating with the St Augustine parishioners enabled this to be a parish community event. The parishioners were delighted to be a part of these days with their choir singing at each mass. They are already looking forward to next year! Thank you to Frances Barone, Shayna McKay, Selena Tonzing, Anne Durham and Bridget Tadic for preparing the children of the day. Thank you to families staff and friends who all came along to support our children.

Three weeks ago we sent a survey to all families to gauge your thoughts on ways to deliver parent teacher conversations. Face to Face parent teacher conversations were held in Term 1. Many families appreciated the chance to meet face to face with teachers, however many other families also expressed that online was more suitable for their family situation. We will be offering the hybrid of face to face for the first part of the day then online in the evening block. Semester one Parent Teacher interviews will be held on 25th June starting at 12.30pm-4.30pm for face to face interviews followed by 5-7pm online interviews. Face to face meetings will be held in Cooinda. Online links will be sent home. Children will be dismissed on the day at 12.15pm. Details on how to register for an interview are outlined on the ‘Learning Matters’ page. Child care is available if you cannot pick up your child at 12.15pm. These details and registration are also on the ‘Learning Matters’ page.

Our students have had great success in the sporting arena over the past weeks. We had many children qualify for Regional Cross Country with four progressing to the next stage. Our Yr6 Football and soccer  gala days were held earlier in the week. All the teams won their competition and have progressed to the championship stage held next Wednesday. Well done and thank you to our Physical Education teacher, Mrs Bridget Tadic, for organising the children for these days. Read about their success on the Learning Matters page through an article written by Millie and Zara our school and vice captain.

The past month I have been conducting interviews for new prep families for 2025. Last Wednesday I sent out letters of offer to new families. (Existing families automatically have a place at the school for their 2025 prep child). We have a full list of students for prep in 2025. I look forward to their transition days later in the year.


Save the date! Friday morning the 26th of July, we will be celebrating Grandparents Day. We invite them to join us on this special day. We realize that some children may not have grandparents who can participate in this special morning, so parents, please feel free to invite someone who is special to your child, someone you know as a friend or relative, to be your child’s “special” grandparent for the morning. Please pass on this invitation to grandparents or a “special” grandparent. Further details to follow.

Cathy Steere

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