
Term 2 Week 10

These past two weeks we have welcomed Gavin Healey to St Augustine’s. Gavin has been appointed our Reviewer. He has spent the past two weeks engaging with staff, students and parents. A School Review is conducted every four years. A Review enables ongoing monitoring, deep learning and measuring of impact on improvement, as well as ensuring schools continue to meet external legislative and regulatory requirements. Gavin has viewed all relevant documentation and evidence related to each of the Minimum Standards and Requirements for School Registration and the Child Safe Standards – Ministerial Order No. 1359. Staff began organising these documents with links to evidence of these standards being enacted in the school. I am please to report that we are compliant with our external legislative and regulatory requirements! This week Gavin has met with various members of the school to discuss data, programming, culture and to validate the school’s self assessment reflection supporting documentation. It has been an affirming process where a report will be compiled that celebrates the great work at St Augustine’s’, possible areas of opportunity and possible goals for the next four year school improvement cycle. Gavin has repeatedly affirmed our school, teaching practices, the welcoming community and recognises that we are a strong learning community with many robust programs and process in place.

Next Tuesday, 25th June, we will be conducting semester one Parent Teacher Conversations. Children will be dismissed from school at 12.15pm so that interviews can start at 12.30pm. Child care is available if you cannot pick up your child at 12.15pm. Registration for this is on the ‘Learning Matters’ page. Face to face interviews are 12:30pm – 4.30pm. Online interviews are 5-7pm. Please check your time and arrive at school or online promptly. If you have not yet booked a time head to the ‘Learning Matters’ page for details to book. Reports will begin to go live on the parent portal on Monday 24th June starting at 9am. Reports are sent out in batches throughout the day. Please check your emails for access to the portal.

Congratulations to our Yr 5 and 6 students who participated in the soccer and football gala finals last Wednesday. It was a cold and wet day yet the children participated with enthusiasm. Each team played hard and with great sportsmanship. The mixed football team and girls soccer team managed to make it to the finals. The girls soccer team lost in a penalty shoot out! Both teams were eventual runners up. Well done to all those who participated. Thank you to Mrs Tadic for organising the teams and the day

This Friday, at 9am, the Parents Auxiliary will be holding a meeting in Cooinda to plan for term three. All are welcome to join this group to help with fundraising and social events.

Next Friday is the end of term two! We will be finishing school at 1pm. Term three starts Monday 15th July at 8.45am with a whole school assembly.

Cathy Steere

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