
Term 3 Week 4

Tonight our Parents Auxiliary are running a movie night for all the children. We start at 4.45pm with a movie for our Prep -Year 2 students then at 6.45pm a movie for the year 3-6 children. The parents Auxiliary have worked hard this year on events for the school. Last Sunday they organised the Bunnings BBQ at Taylors Lakes raising $1701.40 for the school. We hope to use these funds to purchase outdoor tables and seats for the decking areas. These will be well received by the students especially in the warmer weather when they can use the area for outdoor learning. Thank you to all the PA members who work hard to organise events and fundraising. While not everyone has the time or ability to be a member of this group I do urge you to find a fundraising event through the year that you can help with such as the Bunnings BBQ, Fathers Day Stall, Carols BBQ. etc… Many Hands Make Light Work….and an opportunity to make new friends!

This week the new shade sails were installed on the bottom oval playground. The poles had been erected over the holidays and we were waiting on the sails to be made to order. They fit well into the space with a soft straw yellow colour to blend in with the beautiful surroundings. These sails were purchased through funds raised by the Parents Auxiliary and all  our families. The children thank you.

Last Tuesday I spent a glorious day in the sunshine at the 5/6 camp in Anglesea. The children arrived at camp on the Monday under cloudy skies and the threat of rain. To our delight, the next two days saw mostly sunshine. The children had a great time canoeing, bike riding, archery, rope climbing and many other activities. Thank you to Ms Vanessa, Mrs Carland, Ms Thornton, Mrs Clare and Mrs McBean for giving up you time and your family time to be with our children. Thank you to the dads, Joe, Matt, Brendan and Adam, who volunteered their time to work on the camp. 

Last Friday we hosted Grandparents day. We had over 200 grandparents come to school. We started with a liturgy in Cooinda led by 3/4A and songs by the choir. The grandparents then wandered through the school and into their grandchildren’s classes to sit with them, see their work and help them complete different tasks. Afterwards the grandparents gathered once again in Cooinda for a morning tea. It was a special morning with these special people in our children’s lives. They were in awe of our school and so appreciative to have the opportunity to be invited. Thank you to Jacinta, Frances, Elisabetta and Anne who had a part in organising the day. Thankyou to all the grandparents for your encouraging comments and yummy morning tea!

Our Year Three students will be celebrating their First Reconciliation on the 22nd August at St Christopher’s church. Last night we held a parent/child reconciliation meeting where Pauline Cicutto facilitated the evening. Pauline spoke about the sacrament and provided time for parents and child to connect and discuss their thoughts. Thank you to Mrs Anne, Ms McKay, Ms Selena, Mrs Tadic and Mrs Barone for working with our children and helping on the night.

This term we have already seen many activities that the children have participated in including, movie night, mothers day stall, camp, excursions and incursions. There are still so many events to come including the fathers day stall, St Augustine’s day, Reconciliation, and the art show. We also have the book fair to celebrate book week. We alternate between a book fair and a book parade. This year we will re introduce a book fair after a few years without one. A book fair this year and a book parade the following year!

This Friday we have a whole school closure day. There are no students at school on this day. The staff will all be offsite. 


Cathy Steere

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