
Term 3 Week 6

Last Thursday night the Parents Auxiliary organised a movie night for the children in Cooinda. The P-2 watched a movie followed by 3-6 watching a different movie. It was a geat night for the children to continue to forge friendships and for the community to come together for the children. Thank you to the Parents Auxiliary for organising the event. Our PA works diligently to create events and opportunities for our children especially with their fundraising efforts. The next events include a sausage sizzle lunch order next Tuesday to celebrate St Augustine’s day. Following this on Thursday there is the fathers day stall. Then on Friday we have our fathers day breakfast. These events rely on parent volunteers to help out, not to necessarily organise, but to give a few hours of your time to assist. Please consider how you can volunteer for these events and others throughout the year. All of next week’s events require helpers. If you are able to volunteer at any of our PA run events, please message Claire 0432538556. If you can help at the fathers day stall message Donna on 0438053819.

Next Thursday is our father’s day stall. The PA will be conducting this in the morning. You will need to provide your child with money to buy gifts at the stall. Please ensure all money is secured in a purse/wallet or zip lock bag with your child’s name on it.

Friday morning the PA have organised a father’s day breakfast for our dads. To all our dads, you are invited to drop in between 7.00am and 9.00am for a cuppa and croissant and mingle with other dads as we celebrate you all!

Our MOSA group (Men Of St Augustine’s) has organised an event for our dads on  Saturday August 31st. (No AFL this weekend before finals). It will be at golf square (golf simulator/sportsbar) Sunshine, starting at 4pm. Contact Teghan if you are interested in attending-0418338354. Go to the Parents Page of the newsletter for more information.

Our Year Three students celebrated their First Reconciliation last night at  St Christopher’s church. It was a reverent and spirit filled evening with our children overcoming nerves to meet with one of the three priests to receive their first Reconciliation. Congratulations to all these students. Thank you to Ms Shayna, Ms Selena, Mrs Anne and Mrs Tadic for preparing our children. Thank you to Mrs Barone for all the organisation and practices for the evening.

We have received a $14,000 lighting grant upgrade to upgrade all our lights to LED. This upgrade began this week and hopefully will be completed by the end of next week.  

Last week Mrs Jodie organised our school leaders to lead the school in ‘No Bullying’ Week. Each day these students ran assembly and talked to the students about ways we can care for each other, show compassion and stand up and say ‘no’ to bullying. Well done to these student leaders as they keep this message strong in our school.


Every year Catholic schools participate in MACSSIS surveys: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys. The Staff, randomly seleted parents and years 4-6 will participate in these surveys starting on the 2nd September. These surveys are a tool where we can collect, analyse and  interpret data to inform us on our  school improvement. This data tells us about what different people in the school community think and feel about their learning environment. It is a valuable way to reflect on the year and set future improvement goals. If you are a lucky chosen one, I ask that you spend the time to participate and help us with our continued improvement.  However if you do not wish to participate or you do not want your child to participate please send an email to More information is on the ‘Learning Matters’ page of this newsletter.

These next weeks are full of exciting events and activities. Keep these events in your calendar:

  • Tuesday 27th St Augustine’s Feast Day celebration. We will have a liturgy with Fr Peter in Cooinda starting at 9.15am. All are welcome!
  • Thursday 29th August Fathers day stall.
  • Friday 30th August Father’s day Breakfast 7am-8.30am
  • Wednesday 4th September St Augustine’s Art Show 4.30-7.30pm. You are invited to come along and wander through a transformed Cooinda into an art gallery displaying children’s works of art, pop up performances and interactive art pieces. The theme for this art show is ,sustainability, with the indigenous word, “Marramarra” meaning ‘make, create, do’ as our focus. General viewing will continue on Thursday 5th September 9-11am.
  • The children have been engaging with the Children’s Book Council of Australia shortlisted books throughout book week. This year we will continue to celebrate book week with a book fair starting 9th September. More information will come out soon!
  • We look forward to meeting our 2025 preps on September 13th  as they participate in a prep readiness session.


Cathy Steere

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