Enrolment Information

The mission of St Augustine’s Primary School is to provide a Catholic school education for Catholic families within our Parish.


Online Enquiry

You may choose to fill out an Initial Enrolment Enquiry at any stage prior to applying. To do so, please click on the link below, which will take you to a Google form. If enquiring about a future Prep enrolment this will put you into our database so that we can contact you when the enrolment process for your child’s enrolment year is commencing. This acts as a good reminder for you, especially if enquiring years ahead of time. Please note that placing an enquiry, does not put you on a preferential list for future enrolment.

If enquiring about other year levels, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

If you have an urgent query, please don’t hesitate to contact the office directly, on (03) 9336 4294.

Prep students

A child must be turning 5 on or before the 30th of April of the year of commencement, to be considered for Prep.  The enrolment process for children going into Prep, begins when the child starts their four year old kindergarten year.

For students transferring from another school

Enrolments in other grades are accepted throughout the year based on availability. Applicants from other parishes are considered however priority is given to Catholic families living within or moving into the parish.

St. Augustine’s Enrolment Process

  1. Parents of prospective Prep students only, are required to attend one of the information sessions held in February/March. Dates and times will be advertised on the school website (see Enrolment timeline below) and at local kindergartens. If you’d like to register to attend one of the sessions, please follow this link.
  2. Parents submit a completed Enrolment Form with copies of supporting documentation including a Birth Certificate, Baptism Certificate, Immunisation Certificate and Proof of address and a Consent to Transfer Information Form.
  3. Applications will be reviewed and interviews will be offered to applicants that best fit the priority criteria which can be found in the Enrolment Policy (linked)
  4. Selected prospective students and their parents/guardians/carers attend an interview with the Principal or delegate.
  5. Offers are sent out to successful applicants
  6. Offers can only be accepted upon receipt of a completed Enrolment Agreement Form and payment of a $300 deposit (which upon attendance is credited to your first year of school fees)
  7. The enrolment process is finalised once we receive a completed Student Code of Conduct, a Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct and a Photography and Recording Permission Form.

Please refer to the menu on the left to access all the documentation you need for your relevant stage of enrolment.

Enrolment Timeline

Timelines are updated in December of the year before enrolment opens. Eg. The timeline for enrolments for Preps commencing in 2026, will be added in December 2024.