Student Wellbeing

At St Augustine’s we believe that Student wellbeing is fundamental to successful learning and is the responsibility of all members of the school community.

We promote respectful relationships between staff, students and families and understand the importance of working together in order to help students thrive, both personally and academically. A sense of belonging and connectedness is developed through caring relationships and healthy friendships between students and teachers, teachers and families and between families.

We promote positive attitudes and behaviours in an environment that acknowledges individual needs and the development of problem solving skills to address life’s challenges. We encourage our students to develop resilience and optimism, to take responsible risks, and to be reflective and learn from their mistakes.

We proactively promote a culture of “No Bullying” and believe every child needs a safe, caring, and nurturing learning environment where they are happy, supported and challenged to achieve their personal best.


Child Safe Officer / Student Wellbeing Leader:  Mrs Jodie Velardo

Contact Details:

Phone: 93364294


'When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.'