“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it, than we do from learning the answer itself.”
At St Augustine’s we focus on engaging students in vibrant, creative learning experiences that develop inquiring minds. Our aim is to develop students who are able to think deeply and critically, interact, create and collaborate effectively in a global world.
Drawing from the robust evidence based on ‘The Science of Learning’, our aim is to deliver the best educational outcome for every student by implementing best practice instruction, curriculum design and planning (evidence-based, knowledge-rich, coherent, and sequenced) and assessment practice.
The prescribed Victorian Curriculum is used to frame learning that is responsive to the children’s needs, the context of our school and the wider community.
At St Augustine’s we are committed to:
- Using evidence based teaching strategies
- Engaging in rich discussions with students about their learning- providing feedback to students
- Explicit Instruction
- Making learning visible-clearly articulating Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
At St Augustine’s we hold high expectations for every learner, ensuring they have a solid foundation in literacy.
Our Literacy program involves a strong focus on the following 5 key areas:
• phonemic awareness – understanding that speech is made up of words and sounds
• phonics – knowledge of the letter–sound relationships and the ability to use these relationships to decode words
• fluency – ability to read accurately and quickly to derive meaning from text
• vocabulary – understanding word meanings in isolation and in context
• comprehension – ability to understand and derive meaning from text.
At St Augustine’s students participate in rich learning experiences designed to develop their mathematical knowledge and skills, reasoning and thinking, problem solving and investigation. Mathematics is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards Mathematics.
Our vision for mathematics instruction involves:
• developing number sense – understanding quantities and numbers, and how to represent them with objects and numerals
• building fluency – mastering basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division • teaching mathematics concepts – understanding the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of mathematics in combination with procedures and rules
• using concrete materials – using physical resources and visual representations to show concepts and procedures • using problem-solving strategies – organising work based on the structure of a problem
• using explicit instruction – providing opportunities for students to explain their work and thinking in oral and written forms
• using precise mathematics language – using correct terminology when discussing steps for solving problems.
Specialist Programs
Weekly Specialist Programs are taught from Prep to Year 6 by specialist teachers.
- Physical Education
- Language Other Than English -Italian
- Performing Arts (Music, Dance, Drama)
- Technologies
Intervention & Enrichment programs
St Augustine’s has a range of Interventions and Enrichment programs to support students who require further assistance or challenge in the area of Literacy and Mathematics
Number Intervention
This intensive program for students in Years 1 – 4 aims to develop strong mental strategies and mathematical knowledge.
Reading Intervention
Our Reading Intervention programs are designed to support students having difficulty with reading. These targeted support programs aim to help increase students’ reading comprehension skills and improve reading confidence.
Maths Enrichment
Students from Years 4, 5 and 6 who have shown strong number skills are provided with the opportunity to participate in the Australian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads that aims at challenging their problem-solving techniques.
Q.U.E.S.T Enrichment Program (Question, Understand, Explore, Seek, and Think)
This school based enrichment program is specifically designed for our highly able and talented students. The program aims to provide advanced opportunities for students to think and problem solve, enhance students’ creative thinking skills and encourage innovation.