Athletics Carnival

What a glorious day we had at the Whole School Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to Chisholm on your overall win for the day. We are all very proud of our school and the children, staff and volunteers who worked hard on the day

The sun was shining and the scene was set for a joyful and energetic day. The day ran like clockwork thanks to the organisation of Bridget Tadic, our Physical Education teacher, and the staff. Thank you to all the volunteers for your assistance. A big thank you to the ladies from the Parents Auxiliary who organised the hotdog lunch. Always a special treat to have on the day. Congratulations to all our students who participated with enthusiasm, persisted in all their events and chanted loudly throughout the day! I think we had a few croaky voices the next day. Congratulations to our house captains who led their teams through chant practices over the past weeks and gathered their teams on the day. Congratulations to Chisholm on your overall win for the day. We are all very proud of our school and the children, staff and volunteers who worked hard on the day


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